I know there are many people out there who are adopted or looking for biological family. Not all, but many have shared with me that trying to find their biological relatives is partly due to them wanting to know who they really are, a deep level. And many, who have been successful have shared with me their psychological and, even, spiritual relief and understanding of who they are. Even though, it’s possible for uncomfortable or scandalous stories to arise, they know it’s important to learn what happened.
I’ve seen time and time again that, for many, even growing up with biological parents or loving adoptive parents, knowing your biological family’s story and who they are, even if just by name, connects them to something deeply moving and powerful.
Today’s family storyteller, Alison, shares her quest to uncover who her biological paternal grandmother was, what her story as to why she put her son up for adoption and Alison’s own courageous steps to uncover this. It wasn’t until she was in her 30s that she discovered her father was adopted. While she herself grew up with both her biological parents, something within her inspired her and moved her to learn more about her paternal line. Where did her father come from? What was their story? How did her grandmother’s story provide insight and a link to who she was today?
Watch or listen to Alison’ story below.
PS- After watching or listening to her story, check below for an update.
Click below to watch or listen to Alison’s story.
Watch Alison’s Story Here
Alison’s Update: Since the recording of this episode in October 2018, Alison was also able to find and connect with her biological uncle, her father’s brother! He never knew his brother, Alison’s father, existed.
If you want to share your {Y}our Story on the series, SIGN UP HERE or CONTACT ME with any questions.
Many of you might be thinking “I have no stories, or even interesting stories of my family” or “How can I even begin to learn more about my family’s history?”
I’ve got you covered, check out this free guide called {Y}our Connecting Conversations.